Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Welcome Ruby Holliday!

[FYI: We're going to get into some serious baby blogging in the next few months, as we have lots of friends who are expecting and/or recently had babies...]

Our friends Chris and Marla Holliday (friends from Guelph days who are also living in Calgary) recently had an early surprise when their daughter Ruby was born a few weeks early.

They are keeping an up-to-date (and entertaining) blog of her progress, that gives you a good idea of the wonderfully relaxed attitude they have towards the whole ordeal...Chris has a great sense of humour (although I couldn't figure out if his reference to "belly-ruben" was serious or not?)

Anyway, here is their blog:

In other baby news, Tannis and Steve are scheduled for their C-section on Friday afternoon, so we are all waiting patiently to meet their new little one. Dave's cycling partner Joe's wife Natasha is also due any day now...

And now that it's common knowledge, we are thrilled that Amy and Jason are due in July: a new baby brother or sister for Nadine!

Other summer babies include Frank and Desiree and Adam and Val!! We look forward to hearing updates about these exciting additions!

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