Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas photos: Jackson Christmas

We spent the Jackson Christmas in Bobcaygeon: a beautiful winter wonderland!!Mom and Dad show off their tree (with lots of presents for the grandkids!!)
Janet and Dave explore the frozen lake with the boys
Cuddling with Nadine

Merry Christmas to all...

We've had a busy but really fun few days of visiting here in Ontario:

First, we spent a few days in Burlington with Dave's sister Tara and her family: husband Jay, daughter Chloe, and two "step-daughters" Ellie and Hannah, as well as Mom and Dad Brewin (of course). It was our first time spending more than a few hours with the girls (Hannah and Ellie) and we had a great time getting to know each other--very lovely, sweet, well-behaved and quick-to-warm-up kids!! Chloe is getting bigger all the time, and seems to just get cuter as she grows! Tara and Jay have a wonderful home and were gracious enough to host all of us from the 21-26th. I managed to fit in a brief visit with my oldest and dearest friends: Skye, Lara and Lindsey while we were in Burlington. It's amazing to see how much our lives have changed over the years, yet we are still able to maintain such an easy and fun friendship.

We headed up to Bobcaygeon on the 26th for some time with the Jackson/Marchildon clans--our nephews Malcolm, Charlie and Westley, and nieces Nadine and Kaiya, as well as all of the adults (Joel and Janet, Amy and Jay and Mom and Dad Jackson). It has been so fun watching the children delight in the magic of Christmas: opening presents, playing in the snow, and playing with each other and Uncle Dave!! While we don't get to see them often enough, our visits always feel special and fun (although busy!).

We will be celebrating New Year's with our old "Toronto" friends at Karen and Blair's home in Toronto. We are looking forward to some time to catch up and enjoy our old "stomping grounds".

We are also excited to announce that we are expecting another little Baby Brewin in the end of May--we just had an ultrasound last week that confirmed she is a girl, and we are in the process of talking about names and nurseries, and all the fun that goes along with planning for a baby. Since we've been through some of these early stages already, we are taking things slow and "cautiously", but are hopeful and optimistic that this will be an entirely different experience. Luckily we have many friends and family members with new babies (girls too!) so we are looking forward to hand-me-downs and words of wisdom from the "experts".

We hope this season finds you happy and healthy as well, and enjoying time with family and friends in the true spirit of the season.

Merry Christmas to all...(... and to all a Good night!)

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas photos: Brewin Christmas

"Granddad" Barrie with Ellie
Uncle Dave with baby Chloe
Granny and Granddad Brewin

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Banff Birthday

We spent my birthday in Banff for the day: brunch at the Fairmont Banff Springs, followed by a crisp but beautiful walk around Johnson Lake. It's always so great to get into the mountains, especially this time of year when everything is so beautiful!! :)