Sunday, May 13, 2007

First "Annual" Shoulder Season Weekend: Day 1--Snowboarding

After a few weekends in the city, we decided we were ready for an outing in the mountains. Being "shoulder season" after a great year of snow, we were lucky enough to have the choice of snowboarding at Sunshine Village for the last time this year, or taking our bikes out for the first real mountain bike of the season (we've only been out at Fish Creek so far). We decided to do a little bit of both, making it our first unofficial "shoulder season" weekend.

On Saturday, we headed out to Banff on a beautiful, sunny day at 18c in the city, and almost as warm in the mountains. The snow was fantastic--just soft enough to make it easy and slow (my favourite!), but still enough snow to make a great day of it! Dave was pretty excited to land his first 360 (twice!) and catch some "sweet air" off a cliff or two. I was just happy to have made it through the day without falling! As you can see, it was warm enough for a long-sleeved T-shirt--such a great way to enjoy a "winter" sport!

We camped overnight at Tunnel Mountain--another enjoyably uneventful (i.e. no bear encounters! only a few elk) "car camping" experience.

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