Sunday, June 26, 2011

3 weeks old!!

I can't believe Elise is already 3 weeks old! It's definitely true that time seems to fly much faster when measured by growing children!

So far things are going really well. Our teeny little baby is already outgrowing her newborn sleepers and diapers, and seems to be growing and changing every day.

She is sleeping well--for 2 hours at a time that is--and obviously eating lots (and consequently filling lots of diapers!). She is starting to have more awake/alert time, and has both of her parents fascinated by how intently she can look around and take in the world around her.

We are coping well, for new parents that is! There are definitely times when neither of us feels like we know what we're doing ("Is she hungry AGAIN? Already?"), but for the most part it feels pretty natural and she is a relatively easy baby--as long as she is fed, changed, and cuddled often.

Grandma and Grandpa Jackson had a nice visit with her for her first few days/week, and were said to say goodbye. Granny and Granddad Brewin are on their way tomorrow night for their first visit, and we are all looking forward to seeing them.

Other than "baby stuff", we have been keeping pretty low key the last few weeks/months. Dave is still busy with his MBA courses ("Marketing" at the moment), and has been trying to fit in the odd mountain bike ride or home workout, along with busy times at work. I've been really lucky to have a pretty quick and easy "post-partum" recovery, and am now feeling pretty much back to myself. We have been experimenting with pumping/bottle-feeding on occasion, which has allowed me a few hours out of the house without worrying about Elise going hungry. I was able to go to a Yoga class last week, as well as a few solo trips to the grocery store (a big treat for me!!). Elise has also been dragged on countless errands, and visits around the city. She is usually pretty happy to visit people (loves the cuddles!), but is not yet a big fan of her carseat. Hopefully once she can see what's going on around her a bit better, she will enjoy it more!

We have a few trips planned for the summer: a week in the Okanagan (Naramata) with our friends Steve and Tannis, as well as a few weeks in Ontario, including my cousin Kathy's wedding and our annual Family Reunion. We're keeping our fingers crossed that Elise will be a good traveller!

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