Friday, November 19, 2010

So much SNOW!!

This past week, we've had crazy amounts of snow in Calgary! It has been snowing for almost 5 days straight! The new road clearing system seems to be doing a good job of keeping the roads clear this year, but driving anywhere is still pretty slow and sometimes treacherous--one of the downfalls of working in an "Outreach" job where a lot of my day is spent on the road!!
Nonetheless, there are still many great things about the snow--it sure looks beautiful, especially at night, and there is something so peaceful about the soft crunching of snow under your feet, when the rest of the city's sounds are muffled by the blanket of snow covering everything!
And of course, the ski/snowboard crowd are all getting excited--I think we will wait a few more weeks before we head out to the mountains!

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