Sunday, January 17, 2010


I wish we had some good news for this update, but for now we are in a bit of a holding pattern and taking things day by day:

Upon returning to Calgary after the holidays, we went in for an ultrasound to check on baby's growth, and it was determined that baby has intrauterine growth restriction: meaning that baby is very small for gestational age, and it appears baby is not growing well in utero. In addition, I have been found to have elevated blood pressure. This combination of hypertension and IUGR usually indicates pre-eclampsia or toxemia, and can be very risky for both mom and baby.

I was hospitalized for 6 days while they did many tests on me and baby, and after many discussions and decisions, Dave and I decided that it would be better for me to be monitored at home, where I could get some rest, and would be followed by our Obstetrician. We are currently still at home, trying to think good thoughts, with the support of many friends and family. My parents flew in from Ontario, and have been absolutely wonderful: making meals, cleaning and organizing our house, keeping me occupied and offering emotional support.

We're still not sure what this means for baby: he is still very small, and very young (30 weeks), with additional issues identified during the ultrasound (cardiac) that will be problematic once he's on the "outside".

So, we are just waiting, and hoping, and trying to get some rest and keep things pretty low key. We will try to update as soon as we know anything more.


Anonymous said...

All our love and support.
Mom and Dad

Taj C. said...

Dear Beth and Brew,
I understand a little bit about what you are going through. My oldest son was born at 30 weeks and 6 days with severe IUGR. He was 1.5 pounds and 12 inches long. He is now 2.5 and 18 pounds and a walking, talking, running dynamo. Little guys can do really well! I have been keeping a blog since Jac was born - you might enjoy reading it.