Saturday, May 09, 2009

Mike and Mel

Just wanted to send a "shout out" to the Wrigglesworths in Libya: Mike is a friend of Dave's from back in Guelph days, who moved to Calgary years before we did. When we first moved to Calgary almost 3 years ago (!!), Mike and Mel were our first connection to the city, and staying with them for our first few weeks led to a fast friendship as Mel showed me around the city and made me feel more at home in this strange new place!!

Sadly for us, but great news for them, the Wrigglesworths had an amazing opportunity to live and work abroad in Libya starting in the fall of 2006. Since that time, we have kept up with them through their blog, and have been able to live vicariously through their many adventures into travel, exploring cultures, and raising 2 children at "ex-Pats".

If you have not yet checked Mike and Mel's blog, you should definitely take a few moments to explore. Their recent adventures are in South Africa, and the pictures from their trip (as always!) are amazing. Mike and especially Mel have been an inspiration to me in the way they have managed to raise their children as true "children of the world". While I don't know that I would be able to handle the trials and tribulations of daily life as a woman and mother in a mostly Muslim part of the world, I have so much respect for the relaxed and laid-back way that Mel has been able to take this all in stride.

I hope that if/when we have children of our own, we can take a few pages out of Mike and Mel's book in terms of keeping up an active lifestyle that includes travel and exploring the world and other cultures. I'm sure it's not an easy task, but I appreciate that Mike and Mel have made this a priority, and are raising their kids to be flexible and well-seasoned travellers: Lucy probably has more countries stamped in her passport as a 3-year-old than most of us ever will!!

Congratulations guys on your many adventures: we look forward to every time you make it back to Canada to share a small piece of those adventures with us!

1 comment:

Mom said...

Great tribute to Mike and Mel! I know you miss them, but it is great to be able to share their adventures.