Monday, December 01, 2008


So we have finally given in (!) and decided to become a pet-friendly family...
I grew up with cats and a dog, and Dave has always been partial to cats (I know, not very common for a guy!). Somehow the idea of getting a cat kept coming up in conversation as we got closer to Dave's birthday, so as a surprise, I took him to the Calgary Humane Society, where we met Greyson.
I had been pushing for a grown cat: age 1-3 years that was already "trained' and had a nice calm personality, so that we could bypass the whole crazy kitten stage, but Dave would have no part in this "grown cat" idea, and of course as soon as we saw all the cute kitties there up for adoption, we were immediately drawn to our all-grey medium hair, aptly named "Greyson" (name courtesy of the Humane society!). He was all snuggles with me, but playful and fun with Dave, which is exactly what we were looking for.
I've been trying to "work from home" a bit today to help him get used to our place, but he is not a big fan of me working on the computer and not paying attention to him--somehow all the settings have been changed on our laptop, and I keep having this little grey fuzzball blocking my line of sight.
I think I've finally figured it out though, as he is now curled up asleep (in my housecoat) on the floor, while I type away at the desk in "his" room (the office)...As long as I'm close by I guess...
Anyway, we are very excited about this little ball of love...just not sure how we're going to be able to part from him for a week and a half over the holidays!

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