Wednesday, August 13, 2008

California Road Trip

As I mentioned, I spent Aug 2-9 visiting my friend Claire (a friend I met in Toronto at U of T, who is originally from Calgary, now living in LA!). I flew in to LA, spent a few days enjoying Venice Beach and the surrounding area, then we drove through the interior (via. Nevada, Utah, Idaho and Montana) up to Invermere BC where we met up with Dave et al. for the start of the Trans Rockies.

The trip was wonderful: LA lifestyle is so laid-back, the weather is perfect every day, and the people I met were amazing. Claire has a cute place right near the beach where we could ride cruiser bikes along the boardwalk and enjoy all that LA has to offer. We spent some time at the Huntington Library Gardens, and the Getty Museum, and did a little drive through Hollywood and the hills.

The drive went by quickly as we listened to the National Public Radio show "This American Life", and had lots of time to chat and catch up about everything under the sun...

Hopefully Dave will have a chance to visit too next time, when we can add San Francisco and the Pacific Coastal Highway to our itinerary.
Thanks Claire for a perfect holiday!

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