Sunday, March 09, 2008

March update...

Well by the looks of our recent posts, we've definitely been taking advantage of the winter and the mountains...We hope you aren't too sick of outdoor/winter/skiing photos yet: still a few more months of winter in store, I think!

It's strange that it's actually been a pretty dry winter here in the city--i.e. not a lot of snow--and the past few weeks have been mild and spring-like: +10-12c most days and sunny! We've had a bit of spring fever (and the kids at school certainly have too!)...but have actually been able to get out into the mountains most weekends to enjoy the mountain snow and the rest of "winter".

This weekend (Friday night) we said goodbye to friends Andrea and Bruce who are off to Dubai next week for a work contract...More Calgary friends leaving for the Middle East all the time it seems--they will be missed here! Check out their blog at:

Saturday, I had a bit of a "mini-vacation" in downtown Calgary: an afternoon at the Stillwater Spa (courtesy of Mike and Mel Wrigglesworth--thanks guys!), then dinner on Stephen's Avenue (a "pedestrian mall" type of street downtown, that's actually been pretty free of pedestrians most times I've been down there!) with our pseudo-"in-laws" Brian and Kris Fuchs. Brian is the brother of our sister-in-law Janet (Joel's wife), and he and his wife Kris moved here last fall, so they are probably the closest we have to "family" living out here. We've seen them a few times since they moved (see our November posts when Joel and Janet were here with Malcolm), and Brian is now playing volleyball with Dave somewhat regularly. We enjoyed a day at Sunshine Village (Banff) with Brian and Kris and Kris's sister Caroline today--another wonderful sunny "winter" day!

We are counting down the days until our "Spring Break" trip to Costa Rica: we leave on the 20th (next Thursday) and are staying for a week. Our resort is the Barcelo Langosta just south of Tamarindo ( --we are so looking forward to a few days of relaxing on the beach, maybe some surfing, and exploring this beautiful country! (Hopefully some of our upcoming posts will have photos of beach instead of snow!).

The rest of this spring looks pretty uneventful until my parents (Mom and Dad Jackson) arrive in the beginning of May for a visit, followed by their Rocky Mountaineer train trip from Calgary to Vancouver. They are currently making their way from Australia to Canada via. Hawaii after a 6 week trip "Down Under" and cruising the Hawaiian islands--we have been living vicariously through their email updates and a few phonecalls.

We are hoping to do some travelling too this summer: a possible roadtrip down the Oregon coast at some point; Dave's "trans-rockies" mountain bike race in August, followed by a visit to the East Coast for Sean and Lauren's wedding, where we hope to do some touring around Nova Scotia.

Lots of plans; lots of things to look forward to, lots to keep us busy, and to keep us from getting too caught up in the day-to-day "grind".
Send us an email any time and let us know what you're up to:


Anonymous said...

See Here or Here

Anonymous said...

More snow in Ontario again today Beth and Dave, after a few sunny days. We are getting tired of winter already and we have been in the land of the sun and warmth for 7 weeks.
Love Mom