Sunday, January 13, 2008

January Update...

It seems it's that time of year when everyone is feeling a little "ho-hum": the holidays are over, winter is still here--and not leaving any time soon--and we are half-heartedly thrown back into the everyday routines of work and "after work" chores and activities...That being said, we have a lot to look forward to in the next few months, so I know the time is going to fly by, and we are trying to enjoy this time of just taking it easy a bit...

Dave took advantage of some new snow at Castle Mountain last weekend and did a day on Saturday with his biking partner Joe, and his wife Natasha. I enjoyed a weekend of reading and relaxing, with some swimming and yoga to keep me from getting too bored.

We are both back into work busy-ness, with Dave having many ongoing projects that had slowed down over Christmas coming back in full swing now that everyone is back from holiday mode. We had his work post-Christmas party on Friday night, which was a nice opportunity to meet all of the "important people" he works with day-to-day. I (Beth) still have a hard time keeping track of all of the new healthcare initiatives in the Region, but it definitely seems like an exciting place to work, and an exciting time to be here.

At my work, this starts to be "crunch" time for parents who are now realizing that they will need to be making decisions soon about where their child will be in the fall (many are moving on to Grade 1 in the public school system), and thus dealing with all of the "transition planning" that goes along with that. We have "IPP Meetings" (Individual Program Plan) coming up in a few weeks, which is always a busy time.

One of the nice things about living out west is that the winter brings with it lots of snow and thus fun things to do in the mountains, but so far very little snow in the city (great for driving)! So we have lots of weekend "mini-vacations" to look forward to: we are off to Fernie in a few weeks for Dave's Christmas present of a Cat-skiing weekend; followed by Family Day weekend in Invermere, and a visit from Karen and Blair the following weekend.

Finally, we booked our "Spring Break" trip this weekend to Costa Rica: we are leaving March 20th, just before Easter, for a week on the beach with some surfing and hopefully a bit of "sight-seeing" as well. It's been a long time since Dave and I have done a trip like this, and we are so looking forward it!

Just a few "updates" from us this time of year--nothing too exciting I guess: We continue to go to our regular classes at the "Talisman Centre"; Dave is still in hockey a couple of nights a week and has now started in a Volleyball League on Wednesdays. I'm a faithful member of my "Book Club" as well as Yoga and the gym. I'm starting to feel a lot more like my self lately--building a bit more muscle back I think and having a lot more "good days", so that is promising.

We hope that 2008 has gotten off to a good start for you as well, and look forward to hearing "updates" from friends and family (if you're still out there?). Feel free to email us any time:
Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great blogsite, guys. You do a lot of work on it and it is so nice to be able to follow your lives out there in Calgary!