Thursday, December 20, 2007

My Birthday/Christmas gift from my talented husband...

Dave has been working diligently for the last 3 weeks or so to handcraft a beautiful oak bed for us for our bedroom as one of my Birthday/Christmas gifts...I have to say, he's a pretty talented guy, if I do say so myself, and the bed is beautiful! (Although I do admit to lots of nagging when he was spending hours out in the cold garage "woodworking shop" instead of being lazy inside with me!). Thanks to Mom and Dad and Grandpa Martin for their contributions to the wood shop--they've obviously been put to good use!

1 comment:

Mike said...

Nice work Brewin. It might be time for you and Strom to fight it out for the Bob Villa / Mountain Man of the Year competition. He's got a couple of years head start on you, but you're stronger.