Sunday, March 25, 2007

Last bit of winter...

It has been interesting weather here lately: warm most days (10-15c), but still snow overnight every now and then, that melts through the day. After a few weekends in the city, and Beth attending a workshop for work yesterday (Saturday), we decided on a last little stab at winter this afternoon--a few hours in the snow at Sunshine Village Resort in Banff. We met a couple on the gondola who were from Manchester, England, and just raved about what a wonderful place this is to vacation. We realized again that we can't take for granted the fact that we can sleep in on a Sunday, drive out to Banff for a half day of skiing, and then be back in time to have BBQ for dinner! On the days when we're feeling homesick for Ontario, we have to remind myself how lucky we are to be living here! Spring is on the way, so it's likely we are done with our snowboarding updates; hopefully we will have some spring flowers to show you soon!

1 comment:

Mike said...

Seriously - please stop with those snowboarding updates! Enough already! (can you tell I'm jealous?)