Monday, January 29, 2007

Crowfoot Glacier - Banff National Park

I (Dave) spent last Sunday on a backcountry hiking/snowboarding day near the Crowfoot Glacier in Banff National Park with Ryan Strom, Tracy Gibbs and Michel. I finally got to use my avalanche awarness course that I took in November so I am sure my more experienced companions got a kick out of me figuring it all out for the first time. As the pictures will show, it doesn't take much to remind us of how lucky we are to be living where we do, and to be able to enjoy such amazing experiences! We are becoming bigger winter fans every day--loving being able to be outside so much, enjoying the snow, and the constant sunshine (although it's cold, it seems like it's always sunny!). We are looking forward to lots of fun winter weekends coming up: Beth is heading to Whistler this weekend to visit Kelly, Leslie and Skye, then for "Family Day" weekend (Feb 17-19) we will be in Invermere, and the following weekend we are hosting many of our Ontario friends for a ski weekend in Fernie. At this rate, spring will be here before we know it!!

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