Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Goodbye to the "RV Pad"!!

I guess now that we're homeowners, things that are exciting to us (i.e. a trip to Home Outfitters, Canadian Tire, "Bed Bath and Beyond"--"I don't know if we'll have time!?") may not be as exciting to other people, but here you go anyway...
Today we experienced the excitement of watching "Brian's Bobcat" and crew dig out our existing "RV Pad", and fill it in so that we can lay sod, thus expanding our backyard and getting rid of what used to be a bit of an eyesore.
Our next plan is to build a fence along the back to block our view of the alleyway a bit, and then to build a garden and firepit in that corner of the yard. Here are the "before" pictures...will update with some after once things are looking in better shape!

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