Wednesday, June 14, 2006

First 3 weeks...

Time is flying: hard to believe we've been here almost 3 weeks now! Seems like so much has happened these last few weeks that in some ways it feels like we've been here a lot longer. At the same time, it still feels a bit like we're on vacation, especially knowing that we will be back in Ontario in just a couple of weeks!
To keep you in the loop, we bought our house last week, and the last few days we have been working with our mortgage guy, lawyer and real estate agent to get all the technical stuff out of the way so that we can move in next friday, June 23rd! It seems like a quick turnaround, but we are both eager to get into a more "permanent" place where we are not living out of boxes, and where we have more than 3 (camping!) dishes. The next update will have to include our house photos once we have the official "sold" sign up! Hope you are all doing well!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great blog Beth and Dave! It will be so nice to keep up with all your activities "Out West". Keep those photos coming, we love to see them.
love Mom and Dad